Guitar Pedals

Clean Boost Effects
Transparent Overdrive - Klon Tribute
80’s Style Overdrive
Classic Dynamic Fuzz
Versatile Modern Distortion

Reviews and Demos
Michael W. Westbrook - LSL Instruments' NEW Pedal Line: Unlocking Classic Tones! Demo and Review
Buddy Blues - LsL Instruments Brand New Line Of PEDALS!
Palen Music Center - Unboxing the LSL Lucid OD: Is this finally the Klon sound you've been after?
Palen Music Center - Unboxing the LSL OG OD: A TubeScreamer like no other!
Palen Music Center - Unboxing the LSL Vital DS: Did I Finally Find a Distortion Pedal I Love?
Palen Music Center - Unboxing the LSL Claro Boost: This Boost Pedal Every Guitarist Needs
Palen Music Center - NEW LSL Pedal Demos
Amar Alach - Lucid OD Demo
The Cold Stares - LSL Lucid OD
Kerry “2 Smooth” Marshall - Listen to the LSL Saticoy Custom Guitar and the LSL Lucid OD Pedal
Yogi The Guitarist - LSL Instruments Lucid OD - Tone Run Through
Jordan Finn - LsL OG OD - No Talking... All Tones!
Chase Beats - LSL Vital DS Pedal Demo - No Talking